As society evolves and changes over time, new problems and crises also arise. Fortunately, these new issues can also give rise to innovation, new solutions to help nonprofit organizations. Imagine trying to solicit donations for your organization. You’ve got a list of people to communicate with, but you don’t know anything about them aside from their names. You don’t even know that they’re moderately interested in your cause. Nonetheless, you decide to cast out your net which is not really a very effective fundraising strategy. Unfortunately, that’s precisely what every social good organization without a defined nonprofit target audience is doing. There are nearly 8 billion people on earth, and trying to appeal to all of them is impossible. As such, you’ve to locate and define your target audience: the people who want to support you. When you do this, it’s much easier to target the people who are likely to support your cause and make the most of your fundraising efforts.
Typically many charity organizations are facing a huge problem in acquiring the proper funds to help the needy and identifying the correct potential donors. So, the organizations are trying to enhance and automate their current processes with minimal human intervention that helps them to identify and target the relevant donors for a particular donation campaign. Tour Solution addresses some of these challenges:
Our solution utilizes AI for predicting/matching the correct demographics of the appropriate potential donor for any particular donation campaign. It also uses RPA for categorizing the AI prediction results and automatically emails out the Campaign info to the appropriate donors.
The following are the steps involved in the process
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